Grow Spray - Spray n Grow distributor
Hydrolyzed fish
Non-Hydrolyzed Fertilizer
Traditional chemical fertilizers have been considered superior to anything organic for a long time. Even when producing fish fertilizers. However, the organic option is much better for the plants in the long run. It doesnt build up stress levels of chemicals and salts in your soil.
Fish fertilizer manufactured non-hydrolyzed is cooked and looses most of the oils and causes most of the essential amino acids to be lost or used for other purposes. Leaving a poor fertilizer.
Hydrolyzed Fertilizer
Hydrolyzed fish fertilizer is manufactured differently. Almost all of the fish product is used for the fertilizer. A more useful product is obtained from this process. The benefits are, more cost effective and longer lasting and as there is little waste all nutrients are available for your plants.
As hydrolyzed fish fertilizers contain a very low count of N-P-K (nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium), it doesnt build up stress levels as quickly as chemical fertilizers. Which is ultimately better for the soil. The fertilizer further more doesnt create toxic minerals that many high-grade emulsion products tend to have. Seaweed or kelp extract is also often included in the fish fertilizer, which has also been proven to be beneficial to home gardens as well as large crops.
The pure economic savings from such a product are worth the purchase, regardless of the more simplified production process and lack of waste. Not only does this type of fertilizer use every piece of the fish, it uses a cold pasteurizing technique that holds all of the most important micro and macro acids and nutrients naturally found in fish.
Bill's Perfect Fertilizer is based on hydrolysed fish and available in our shop.